Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cleaning off my desk. Part 1

Cleaning off my desk.  Part 1

This has been on my to-do list forever.  I start a little sometime, but my goal is to finish today.  I save a lot of stuff I might want someday.  Even with so much on line now, I don't want to hunt for a certain website, so have lots of addresses on little pieces of paper.  So my hope is between this blog, and Pinterest, I can remove most of the stuff.

Here goes.    Don't know if I will ever use this...Had it for years, but kept it "just in case".  So I will keep it here.    Apparently I have sign up each year for Ralphs to give a percentage of what I spend to a charity of my choice.  There are other stores too, but the one I signed up for with Ralphs gives me a reminder, that sits on my desk for a year or so.  Maybe this will help.

Ok, only half done, but it feels really good.  If I am going to make my annual Christmas Eve visit to church, better go get ready.  Just spent an hr. looking for this stupid site.  Did I save it here last year and forget?  Lets try this again.
Or maybe its this one.  Frustration!

 Pay Pal Donations   This one?

Just to be sure I have it....First Charity Navigator which goes through Network for good when you make a donation.  Then for the ones less than $10.00, I go through which goes through Mission Fish.  Paypal can be anonymous, and they are currently not charging a processing fee.  But its kinda a pain in the butt you have to do each one separate.  Network for good is kinda easier, but it has to be an even amount of at least $10. and there is a processing fee.  I think its about 5% a bit less than a stamp.  And it keeps a nice record of them.  

I was hoping to try a few through their websites, with my new alias e-mail...but some did not use pay pal, so would need my real info,and even if they did, pay pal needs my real info.  So unfortunately that really did not work for me.  Still have a couple checks to write and mail tomorrow.
But mostly the donations are over.  I dread them so.  I am not doing them with the joy of giving.  It so pisses me off that they seem to spend most of what I give killing trees and mailing me more stuff to ask me for more.   I know I should just pick a few, and screw all the rest, but I just have not been able to bring myself to do that.  I hoped doing stuff anonymously on line would help me fall off mailing lists, but that has not happened.  I wanted to think if me and everyone else gave just a few dollars a year, we could save the world.  Its not working out that way.  I can't save the world, and am so tired of being asked to.  I want to give with a joyous heart, but its become such a big ordeal it is far from it.  Almost done except recycling all the dead trees, and sneaking little pieces into Dr's office waiting rooms etc.  Hoping someone will see and want to help save the world also.

I really got away from the clean the desk part of this post.  And am still not done.  So to be continued....