Sunday, August 30, 2009

Stop Global Warming

This picture came in one of those "cute" e-mails that go around. But this one is not cute. It makes me want to cry. Polar bears are not doing well at all. Global warming is real, and everyone of us is contributing to it. Is amazing to me how many people do not even think anything about the environment. I think about it constantly and feel bad that I am not doing more to help it. Every little bit helps. You don't have to go live in a cave or ride your bike 20 miles to work each day to help. There are so many little things. For starters why do you need to drive such a big vehicle??? Are you hauling a lot of stuff to your job site each day? Are you car pooling with 4 other people each day? No, then why...cause you think its cool. You contribute a lot more to the problem by driving your "cool" big car.
Don't even get me started on over population!! No body in this day and age should be having more that 2 kids. That's just selfish and irresponsible. Even if you think you can afford them, (not that that even stops a lot of people) you are not paying the full amount of money it takes, and you are sucking up way too much energy, and space on this planet. Don't be so selfish. OK, the 3rd one was an accident, and you made sure there would not be a 4th one. I can live with that. When I see these people that have a baby every year or two, I just want to scream.
Get another hobby! This is not hundreds of years ago, when we were told to go forth and multiply. Enough is enough! But they are "blessings from God". All those little blessings are contributing to plants, animals and yes even kids dying around the world each day. There is a limit to the available resources. Our government subsidizes all your "extra kids". But that money has to come from someplace. Your family takes more of the school resources, medical resources, more space in stores, amusement parks, highways. That's a big one, while I sit in traffic jams. Each of your six kids is going to grow up and get a car, traffic gets worse and worse. Then more than likely each of them will have kids, etc. Its like the poster of how many kittens a cat that is not fixed can have.
Ok, back to the Polar Bears I started with, as the ice melts they have fewer and fewer pieces they can haul out and rest on. They swim very well, but not forever. They are actually drowning in record numbers. They just get too tired to make it to the next little piece of ice, and drown. The young and old die first, then even the strongest will not make it to the next ice floe.
Just so you can have your big cars with bad mileage, and air conditioning, and plane rides and lots of babies. Everything is connected. What you do matters. We have lots of recycling containers at work, yet people still throw recyclables in the trash every day, with out a thought. It takes a lot more resources to make things from scratch than from products (glass, paper, metal) already here.
Its not that hard to do. Before you throw something in the trash, your first question should automatically be "how can I recycle this". Before you buy a car, or have unprotected sex take a second to think how your actions affect the rest of the world. Again, its all connected. From the drowning polar bears, to children starving in other countries. We are using way more than our fair share of resources. Knock it off!