Sunday, March 6, 2011


I am one of those odd people that think spiders are beautiful. Do I enjoy having them crawl all over me? Not so much. But do I kill them on purpose? Absolutely not! Besides being beautiful, they are all Gods creatures and have a definite place in the world.

That being said I know I am probably in the minority, as I seem to be in so many things. Well recently I noticed a beautiful orb spider on my patio.
They make the most incredible webs. Anyway I was thinking I should move him before I had this guy (P) I sometimes hire to help me do work around the house came over next. But I completely forgot. The P came over, and we were getting a lot done. He said something about pet spiders. Then I remembered...! Did you kill my spider on the patio? To his credit, he did admit it and apologize. But the poor spider is still dead. I feel so bad about him. Some spiders die so easy. The daddy long legs in my showers...I save as many as I can from drowning, but sometimes they drown so quickly I can not save them in time. I feel bad, but what can I do? But will full killing of a big fat guy, that probably took a while to die getting mashed!! That horrifies me.

Yes there are poisonous spiders with bites that can really hurt you. But not all spiders are that dangerous, and even those will not chase you down to get you. Should you avoid the dangerous ones. Probably, but that does not mean you need to kill them. Unless maybe you have small stupid kids and pets that you can't be sure will avoid the spiders, and being small would be even more susceptible to problems with them. And the non dangerous ones should all get to live out their lives. If they are someplace you don't want them, just move them. Don't kill them, they are not hurting you. And may even be helping you by eating more dangerous insects...

Sorry little guy. Sorry it happened, and sorry I did not save you. RIP,

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