Thursday, May 5, 2011


I think being buried by a rock slide avalanche is the best way to describe how I am feeling now. 
I am buried at work.  "Do this, no do this, no this is a priority, but don't let this get behind, what, you aren't doing that, but this needs done now", etc.  "And don't forget to train someone to do what you are doing while you are out on medical leave."

I am having major surgery in 12 days.  Hip replacement.  I had the other one done 6 1/2 years ago, so I get the drift of it.  But have forgotten a little, a little has changed, different Dr., 6 1/2 yrs. older, and working full time instead of part time.

I have a list of things a mile long to get or do before then.  A shorter list of stuff to take to the hospital.  I have less help than I had last time.  No one was here with me last time, but someone came to check every day.  It may be less than every day now.  I have one co-worker willing to come pretty often.  Several that said here is my number, call if you need anything.  I don't want to call. 

My biggest concern is the few animals I have.  Its not a lot of care, but its some and there are sooooo many precautions, and restrictions with this surgery.  #1 is don't bend over for 3 months.  Its hard enough to take care of myself with that, let alone take care of animals.  I will pay someone to do it while in the hospital, and the first day home, but not for months, or even weeks. 

It feels like a huge landslide is on top of me.  Every little thing I get done, or ready before takes off a rock, but there are tons more.  Then after I get to the hospital and the IV is in, another rock comes off.  After I wake up, realize the surgery is over, I can wiggle my toes and talk, a big rock comes off, and I get a sliver of sunlight.
After the tubes come out and I go for a walk another big rock comes off.  After I can get myself in and out of bed, another comes off.  After I get home another comes off.
After I can shower again another comes off.  After I am done giving myself shots of blood thinner, in the stomach  a big rock comes off.  After I can stop using the walker and switch to a cane a big rock comes off.  etc, etc.

I am buried alive now, once I start seeing that sliver of light, I will start to feel better.
I wish it was July.

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