Friday, November 16, 2012


Wow, its been a while since I posted anything.  Blogger has changed a lot, and I am a little lost.  Had no intention of writing anything but....maybe writing all the stuff bugging me now, will make it go away.

1.Work.  It pretty much sucks.  I am surrounded by people in a different, higher paying job category at work currently.  Been there before and it was fine.  I still felt respeced for what I did know.  Now the people around me treat me like I could not possibly know anything that has anything to do with their job, and how dare I say anything, or even express an opinion much of the time.  There is way too much work for everyone, and I know people are snappy. But I totally don't deserve getting my head bitten off so often.  I am mostly quiet, but a big hunk of the people around me make random comments out loud as they are working.  Apparently every thing that comes out of my mouth annoys them.  Its mostly pretty mild compared to the stuff I hear.  I am smart, competent, and not a know it all.  I was used to being respected for what I knew.  Not snapped at.  I hate it!!!  I can't retire.  I am not up to starting all over someplace else.  Why can't they just be nice and respectful? 

2.Went to the dentist this week.  Just a cleaning /check up.  I hate going, I am a wimp, but try really hard to have the best dental hygiene I can have.  Yet its still not enough.  Cleaning was going ok, almost done.  Ready to check that off my to do list.  Then the Dr. sees something in the x-ray.  Says it could be nothing, or I could need a root canal.  I am a wreck at every filling, crown, ect. and now this!?  He is referring me someplace.  I didn't call yesterday.  It was too busy / noisy to call from work, but they are supposed to be open until 5, so I rush home to call.  Its like 4:50, and the message says they are closed, that they are open until 5:00. Yeah, so when do you stop answering the phone?  Now its the weekend, then the holidays.  I will be worrying about this until its over.  I at least want to get the consultation over with as soon as possible.
Also can't find my dental insurance card.  They copied it at the dentist, then I put it "away", cause the last one wore out in my wallet.  I am not finding it in any of the places I would have put it.  Its been years since I needed to show it.  

3. Turtle tank has two filters.  Without 2 filters, I don't even make it to 2 weeks before it gets all yucky.  I hate cleaning it every 2 weeks, but its doable.  Any more often is not.  One of the filter pumps broke recently.  Looked in two stores for a replacement with no luck.  On line, read the filter pump can be taken apart and cleaned.  So did that, and it worked fine!  Was very happy, until it died again the next day.  Looking on line, the one recommended to replace this one that "should last for years", is $40.  Unable to tell for sure if any of the other cheaper ones ones will fit where this needs to fit.  Need to order something fast, but don't want to get something that won't fit, or last, or pay $40, or deal with having to  send back.  Was hoping to pick something today in hopes of getting it before the next holiday.  But I am too tired to think, read, choose.  

4.  Favorite part of summer is walking on the beach after work.  With the short days now, I am lucky to get a walk around the block in.  Was hoping to at least do that today, but I blinked and missed it.  My neighborhood is probably safe enough to walk at night, but its pretty dark, and easy to trip.  I feel stiff and sore when I don't walk enough.

5.  Thanksgiving is coming up fast.  I am usually home by myself, and ok with that.  But there are so many things that need done here now, it will be hard to just sit and ignore it, and who wants to clean or what ever on a holiday.  I have no family in the area, and going to friends just feels strange.  Yes, I have things to be thankful for, and normally can count blessings.  But now all I can think about is stuff bugging me, and the possible upcoming root canal!  Plus I don't eat dead stuff.  A holiday that has such focus on a dead bird has a lot less joy for me than for people ok with killing animals.  I wish we would all evolve past the stage where giving someone a dead animal was seen as a good thing.  Yeah, I grew up in a meat and potato house.  But I evolved long ago, and just don't get it now.

6.  I have been home almost 3 hours and have accomplished absolutely nothing!

7.  I could have sworn I bumped up a St. Elsewhere disk to #1 in my Netflix que, and yet that's not what I got.  Something I was not in the mood for tonight.  
Sadly I could probably go on.  But I think I got the bulk of it out.  At least it is Friday!!  Lets add some ramdom pretty picture, and see if I can get my shoulders away from my ears.

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