Friday, July 24, 2009

Annoying coffee pimps

I usually limit myself to one fancy coffee a week. The only way I will drink coffee is when it has chocolate in it and whipped cream on it. Its just an occasional treat, a break from my usual tea. Much as I enjoy it, always feel I should not be spending that much money or calories on it, But I do it and very much enjoy it when I go to the bookstore coffee places, and can browse magazines at the same time. A little guilty pleasure.

But what kind of lessens my pleasure is the sales pitch. I get a "small" what ever they want to call it about 98% of the time. Then I am asked "are you sure you don't want to make that a medium?" Its only $ more. " Yeah, I am sure" "What about something to eat with that?" "No thanks.'' I know corporate probably makes them say that, they would not do it other wise. If I could find a suggestion box I would suggest they stop....every time. But I never see one.

Last time I was so hot (heat wise) I was going to splurge on a medium Frappichino. "Are you sure you don't want to make that a large, its a better value". What like now its an investment. You people are just never happy, are you? Just give me my damn coffee and let me enjoy it without the interrogation.

My new plan is to start asking for a medium each time. If they somehow "slip" and let me be, I will have it. It they do their annoying "are you sure you don't want a large?" thing, I will switch my order to a small. There, you wanted me to change my mind...I changed it. Ha!

Happy Friday.