Saturday, July 18, 2009


Sat. early afternoon. We look forward to weekends all week, and kinda feel like I am not using the day to its full potential.

My back up car has been in the shop for 2 weeks yesterday. It was supposed to be 3 hrs, so I read, browsed a near by shopping center and had a snack. No problem. Then they ran into one glitch after another. Two people recommended this place to me, so hopefully it is all legit stuff, and they are just having trouble getting needed parts. She is pretty old. Its an 1988 Chevy, with super low mileage. I inherited it from my Grandma, who really did just drive it to church on Sunday (and the store). I had it painted Porche Red a few years ago. She looks pretty good, and ran pretty good until recently. But sometimes I had a feeling she needed some work, but couldn't put my finger on what was wrong, or what she needed. So hopefully they will get her in good shape. Very thankful to have a back up car. That's why I have two, other wise I would be pretty screwed. I don't have anyone to ask for rides. I called a lot the first few days, but finally left it that they would call me when she is ready, and I will need a ride there to get her back (other wise I would have two cars to get home, a ride would just be simpler. So I wait for them to call.

I may be the last person I know that refuses to carry a cell phone. Yeah, I know I should have one for emergencies. But I know so many people that start that way. Next thing you know they are having non-stop emergencies. I hate phones. I have heard, and agree that cell phones are like electronic leashes. No thank you. I will probably get a pay as you go one and keep it in my glove box for emergencies. But then afraid I will forget to take it out to charge it, or be in a dead zone when the emergency happens. I will deal with that later.

Its supposed to be hot today, like 78....whaa whaa. I don't want to do anything to make me sweat. So far so good.

I posted on for the first time recently. My house came with a little bit of jade plants. I like it, and hate throwing it in the trash/compost when I trim it, so I would put it someplace in the yard. Now my yard is full of it. Same with geraniums. So hopefully I can give it to someone who would like it sometime soon. I have had one response so far, hoped he would make arrangements to come today, while I am home waiting. He could get the surplus out front without me, but not out back, and I am not digging it up if someone does not really come get it....that's why I have so much in the first place. My way too extreme thing of not wasting ANYTHING.

A few years ago my yard was very park like. Now its more jungle like. I can't keep up (or throw anything away). (more passion vine for me?) Hiring someone to help with the yard is difficult for me..Plus I do not want that "manicured" look. I just want to get back to the park look.

After I move some jade, get help moving the heavy duck pen somehow, move the rabbit hutch..(maybe inside the pen, it would be saver, but won't fit in the door, it would have to have the heavy pen lifted over it, then stay there for ever, good idea or bad?), then I will be ready to make arrangements to get Marks bunny. Maybe I will go visit Mark tomorrow, if I am not waiting for someone to get plants. Waiting

Its not like I am doing absolutely nothing. I have done a few chores, and now I am writing a fascinating (NOT!) blog. Hey at least I know I am not fascinating, some people don't realize that.

Ok, must go do something productive.