Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday - Bobcat and Mark

It seemed easier yesterday. I want bigger font and it keeps going away. I need to sit on my butt and read, take a shower, eat, spend some quality time with my bunnies, etc, and its 8:42 already.

How do some people say they have nothing to do? I can't see how that is even possible. I can get how it may be boring stuff. Much of work is like that. But it pays the bills.

The week Michael Jackson and Farrah Fossett died I got a call from the sister of a friend I had not heard from in a long time. We had kinda gotten to that just a card at Christmas if we get around to it point, and neither of us got around to it this past Christmas. This friend called to say her brother was very sick and would I take his bunny. I said of course, not that I need another bunny or have a place to put him. I do have an extra hutch out back, just in case, but he is a house bunny. I feel bad putting him outside. But my girls are very close and afraid of everything, and am not up to rocking their world by meeting a new guy. Esp. until I see if Mark may be able to go back home at least for a while at some point. I have called twice, which is big for me. I am the worst at calling people. E-mail I can do, but not phone calls unless I absolutely have to.

But I think I have to here...oh, back to the bunnies. Already concerned about putting the new guy in the hutch out back, and I get an e-mail that a bob-cat was spotted in someones back yard, on my street this morning. So now worried about the rabbit and my ducks. I built a pen for them this winter, just for times like these, but its not where I want it, and I can't move it by myself. Plus try and convince the whole flock to go in it will be tough. But after loosing two in one night I felt like I had to build some sort of pen to try and protect them more, at least part of the time. 10 or 15 years I had no problems, then wild life has started picking off one or two each winter. First it was opossums, then the last two were killed by a raccoon, now the bob cat has been spotted again. 30 years in this house, and that's the first raccoon I have ever seen in my yard. I don't live in the country. This is the suburbs. Basic size yard. I am glad wild life is still around, but not eating my pets. There are just too many people and development ruining the natural order of things. Now I am worried. I don't usually worry so much till winter.

OK, back to my sick friend...hey every post won't be poetry like.
Mark is a good guy, never married. Has an elderly father 100 miles away, and a sister back east. She did not mention a current girlfriend. He has ALS....Lou Gehrig's Disease. Its a horrible disease. Its been in my top 10 of ones I really don't want. I won't go into details here. I need to go see him soon. Scared, but need to go. I will know more then. He had some surgery yesterday, and may be moved to a rehab facility soon. The first two she looked at when she was here would not take him. So he can't be choosy about where he goes. Can he go home and get in home services at some point? I sure hope so. But Calif. is having a major budget crisis, and in home services are probably gong to be greatly reduced. The whole thing sucks. He is 54...The whole "there but for the grace of God, go I" thing. What the heck does someone mostly on their own do with a disabling illness? What resources are available? Can anyone get the Steven Hawking helper stuff, or only rich people?

Oh, where I was going with MJ, FF and Mark's illness, is how fragile life is, and why do we waste so much of it? I need to make more connections, go more places, have more fun. Yet here I sit blogging. Ok, got that off my chest.