Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Skin Deep

This is a pretty good site to find out how safe the products you use on your body are, and what some of the risks are.

I esp. like the feature (lower right side) that tells if the company tests on animals or not. The site takes a little playing around with, but its worth a look. I am somewhat aware of this stuff, thought most of my products would be good, or at least moderate. Not so...sad and surprising.

If I was raising babies esp. now, I would want to make sure the products I thought were safe to use on them don't contain ingredients known to cause cancer or other yucky things. Not sure anyone can be or wants to try and be 100% good, but even decreasing our risks some may help.

Of course I need to add this link too, to go along with that. Its for caring consumer. It can be way too hard to pick products that don't contribute to animal suffering. It should not be that hard. Its not required by law, and its completely unnecessary. Evolve