Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Day 2011

Slept in...that was nice. But then not off to a good start. Big surprise. Going on line to check my e-mail and write a little turned into hours. I was going to reorganize my craft space, also looked on youtube for ideas on that. I didn't even get dressed until 4:00.

My ex called, twice. We had many, many years of hell, with him being a total asshole, but we get along pretty OK most of the time now. As long as we don't talk about anything too important, and I don't have any opinions different from his. Mostly he wants to talk and have me say "un huh, and oh really". I can barely get a word in, he has no interest in hearing it, and will get pissed if I disagree. Gee, if I could have mastered all that, we could have stayed married. I get bored just listening. Esp. cause he says the same stuff over and over. Why does he call? We just got into it, and I finally hung up. I should have hung up way sooner. I am just too nice to say don't call any more. He has been with wife number 2 way longer, like 5 times longer than with me. So why call me? Obviously he is the one that knows how to be married and raise 3 kids, not me, so just leave me out of his life. I don't need him or all his shit. If he has something to say, he can e-mail it. I am not the relationship type. We have been divorced over 30 years. We seldom fight any more, yet the minute he got riled up about my differing opinion he goes right for the jugular. Why? My opinion does not affect him at all, what difference if its different that his? I don't get what is to get so upset about. Just leave me alone.

Back to organizing. I did see some good ideas. I have organized many times, but it just gets harder and harder. The more crafts I get interested in the harder it is too pull them all together. My current favorite...has been for a while is collage. How the heck to organize that? I have tried filing pieces, but so many are multi category or tiny scraps, that show up almost every day. I can't keep up, or find what I need. Looking for certain words and phrases today. Eventually found some that worked OK, but it took a while. Drives me nuts! I am a pack rat any way, but collage makes it worse, cause I need all those little bits and pieces to make interesting pieces, but how to keep them organized too find when I need it?

Finally lit the pilot light on my heater yesterday. Its been about 34 at night, and sadly my house is not nearly as well insulated as it should be. The heater is set at the lowest possible setting, but I still heard it kick on a couple times last night. So far not tonight, but I have been numb for a while, so hopefully soon.

Now its almost 8p.m. and I am hungry. So much for me making something healthy. I need something NOW!

Happy New Year to me.

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